Got a new Alpha build this evening with some changes, generally just DPS decreases to many classes; Windwalker included.

Click here to see all changes

What I found interesting in this build was that Fist of the White Tiger and Wind Strikes seem to have been changed from being based on Weapon Damage, to scaling directly with Agility. I find this a welcome change, but mostly because Weapon Damage formulas are wonky and I don’t like working with them. Other things like Chi Burst not being included, or Spinning Crane Kick gaining stacks from Rushing Jade Wind again, may have been an oversight, as just about everything else got changed, but only time will tell. This early in the process things like this get forgotten or change a dozen times as they tweak things.


Other Things

It was brought to my attention tonight that many people are using another opener than the one posted for reasons that make sense. This opener takes advantage of the higher Artifact weapon levels and higher ranks of Concordance of the Legionfall to squeeze a little bit more damage out than we previously had. The Rotation guide has been updated with the new opener:

CW (Prepull) -> TP -> ToD -> SEF+RSK -> EE+SotW -> FoF -> BoK! (w/t21 4pc) -> WDP

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