This guide assumes that you have a knowledge of the mechanics of both bosses and trash in the dungeon and will take a more monk focused approach. For more information on the mechanics of all the different mobs and bosses in the dungeon check out the guide over at Wowhead.
The recommended talents for Halls of Valor are:
–Chi Wave
–Tiger’s Lust / Chi Torpedo
–Energizing Elixir
–Leg Sweep
–Diffuse Magic
–Hit Combo
–Whirling Dragon Punch.
The damage talents selected are taken due to being the current best setup in all scenario’s, there is no real deviation in talents for aoe/st.
Tiger’s Lust has no application in terms of dispelling a root and as such the mobility row pretty much comes down to personal preference here.
Diffuse Magic is very useful in Halls of Valor, some of the hardest hitting bosses in WoW are in this dungeon and their main damage is magic. Abilities such as Arcing Bolt, Expel Light & Felblaze Rush are all capable of one shotting you and as such Diffuse Magic is very helpful here.
Boss Tips
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor (On higher keys and tyrannical bosses Prydaz or AHR may be required)
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang/AHR
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-There aren’t many special things to do on Hymdall, just abuse WW’s high mobility to dodge drakes and push as much ST damage as you possibly can while staying safe.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor (On higher keys and tyrannical bosses Prydaz or AHR may be required)
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang/AHR
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Surviving is the most important thing on Hyrja as she hits extremely hard. When she initially goes to the Holy side and then when she comes back to the Lightning side she will have overlaps on her abilities, having the potential to cast Arcing Bolt and Expel Light on the same person at the same time. Therefore it is extremely important that you have some kind of defensive ability up at that point, be it Prydaz, Karma or Diffuse Magic.
-After Eye of the Storm she will cast Arcing Bolt immediately so having a Transcendence placed in advance or being ready to Roll out can save you from being cleaved by other members of your group and will stop you from cleaving them.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor (On higher keys and tyrannical bosses Prydaz or AHR may be required)
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang/AHR
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Saving Karma/Diffuse for higher bleed stacks helps your healer out tremendously.
-If you have to kite the boss placing Transcendence down and kiting away from it, and then Transferring to it when the boss gets far enough away from the spirit can make it very easy and avoid kiting the boss out of range of any other players.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor (On higher keys and tyrannical bosses Prydaz or AHR may be required)
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang/AHR
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
–Transcendence can be used to dodge Felblaze Rush at any range so pre-placing a spirit away from where the boss will be tanked is important.
–Roll/FSK can also be used to dodge this but you need to be further away from the boss for it to work, around 20 yards.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + Cinidaria, the Symbiote
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-You can gain a lot of damage by making sure you have 1 stack of SEF ready for the Branded buff which you receive from Runic Brand.
-Having some damage ready for the Stormforged Obilterator is advised, if their casts get too quick you’ll just wipe so killing it quickly is ideal.
-Due to the fact that the boss “dies” at 80% Cinidaria can be an extremely big dps gain, a 30% damage increase for half of the fight is massive.
Trash Tips
Notable packs to be ready to stun:
-The huge pack at the top of the stairs after Hymdall has so many different things to kick that stunning them can be very helpful
-The pack containing the 2+3 Shieldmaiden’s before Hyrja, stunning them can help your tank to kite them which is a good strategy for the pull.
-Stunning the Penetrating Shot cast from Valarjar Marksmen can be very helpful for you group as it means your ranged don’t have to reposition a bunch and lose hps/dps.
Important casts to look out for and prioritize kicks on:
–Thunderous Bolt
–Shattered Rune
–Healing Light
–Etch (your healer can dispel this effect instead of having to kick it)
–Cleansing Flames
–Searing Light
–Unruly Yell
Mobs/Casts to paralyze:
There are no skippable mobs but you can incap the Angerhoof Bull’s at a good point in their patrol path so that you can run past them.
-You can Paralyze any casts from the kick section that you may miss due to Spear Hand Strike being on cooldown, as well as using Paralysis to stop Penetrating Shot casts that you may miss otherwise.