by Babylonius | Aug 1, 2021 | Windwalker
With so many people picking up Windwalker this expansion, we have been getting a lot of questions in Discord about how Storm, Earth, and Fire works. While for those of us that have been playing Windwalker for years may easily gloss over these questions as being silly,...
by Babylonius | Jun 18, 2021 | 9.1, Windwalker
Disclaimer Everything on this page is subject to change at any point due to theorycrafting, tuning, or us simply missing something or discovering something new that we didn’t know before. React to this information on your own volition. If there is anything that...
by Babylonius | May 22, 2021 | 9.1, Windwalker
Blizzard finally got around to adding the Monk legendaries to the PTR, so we have an idea of what they are and can start thinking about how strong they may be. What are they? NEW Bountiful Brew (Necrolord) Your abilities have a low chance to cast Bonedust Brew...
by Babylonius | Mar 22, 2021 | 9.0.5, Windwalker
So I’m gonna go out and say it…. but I predicted this. I said it would take two weeks for them to consider compensation buffs, and we’re getting them two weeks later. No, I don’t believe that my Wowhead posts magically made this all happen, or...
by Babylonius | Mar 8, 2021 | 9.0.5, Windwalker
Yes… I reused the previous header, its just still applicable. To stem the tide of questions, here’s what you need to know about Windwalker in 9.0.5. I’ll update this page as things get changed, if they do. Changes Xuen’s...
by Babylonius | Mar 2, 2021 | 9.0, Windwalker
What Happened? Yesterday, at approximately 9pm Eastern, a few intrepid explorers were playing around on the PTR and found that some of the bugs that Shadowlands Windwalkers, certainly all you FotM rerollers out there, have gotten used to. Basically it looks like this:...
by Babylonius | Jan 3, 2021 | 9.0, Windwalker
Apology So, before I get started, I feel like I need to issue a slight apology, but not a big one. “Scaling” has become a big concern for people and bounced around the community like the Chicken Little topic it is; and I am largely to blame with that. I...
by Babylonius | Nov 22, 2020 | 9.0, Windwalker
Since there is so much going on with the change over to Shadowlands, I thought I’d write up a quick reference for people to see what is changing. This has come with a bunch of new changes, including a brand new Windwalker PvE Guide, so check all that out too as...
by Babylonius | Oct 14, 2020 | 9.0, Windwalker
Well my first raid week is in the bag and I felt pretty strongly that I should write up my thoughts on how it went and my feelings about Windwalker in raid. Snarkylonius is absolutely helping me write this, so excuse any language or aggression, but he’s a...
by Babylonius | Oct 1, 2020 | 8.3, 9.0, Windwalker
So yesterday, ever observant, Shakugan, noticed that there appeared to be some bizarre behavior with Whirling Dragon Punch. Now, I know what you’re saying, “Wow, Babs, shit being broken for Windwalker… how original?”. However, I’m here to...