by Babylonius | Mar 23, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
There has been another build on the Alpha, and this one came with another small change for Windwalkers; Touch of Death Use ancient Pandaren knowledge of anatomy to Inflict mortal damage on an enemy, After 8 sec, the target will causing the target to take damage...
by Babylonius | Mar 18, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Its been a few weeks since the last time I felt the need to write an article about whats been going on on the Alpha. That’s largely because there just hasn’t been very much going on, really just small changes spread out between a few builds. Now that its...
by Babylonius | Feb 9, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Got a new Alpha build this evening with some changes, generally just DPS decreases to many classes; Windwalker included. Click here to see all changes Specialization (7) Afterlife When you kill an enemy, you summon a Healing Sphere, healing you for (252%196.56% of...
by Babylonius | Jan 25, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Well, it has finally happened. The first changes seem to have been pushed. Be aware that this is technically just for the pre-patch, not necessarily the next expansion. Some of these are even consistent, or close to, what I included in my articles for my BfA Wishlist...
by Babylonius | Jan 21, 2018 | 7.3.5, Windwalker
Legion is finally winding down, with many of us finishing up our progression in Antorus and starting to turn our attention toward Battle for Azeroth. Before we do, we have some final additions to the site to finish things out. Mythic Plus Guides Talby has been...
by Babylonius | Jan 15, 2018 | 7.3.5, Windwalker
Its been a quiet for weeks for PeakofSerenity , with not a ton to talk about as we anxiously await information pertaining to the new Battle for Azeroth expansion. In the meantime, Blizzard has announced that 7.3.5 will come out tomorrow, and with it, some changes to...
by pandanaconda | Dec 23, 2017 | 7.3.2, Windwalker
Hello again. A few weeks back, I predicted in another post that windwalker was going into Antorus in a very strong state. As most of you know by now, windwalker has since then turned into a “flavor of the month” spec and is considered one of the strongest...
by Babylonius | Dec 4, 2017 | 7.3.2, Windwalker
The day has come, with the release of Mythic Antorus, came the class tuning that we knew we’d see. Here’s how it went: What you’ll notice is that Windwalker is both in the top half, and neither buffed, nor nerfed. By the data I gathered from the...
by pandanaconda | Dec 2, 2017 | 7.3.2, Windwalker
Hello! Tier 21 has started and with it the whirling dragon punch talent has grown in popularity once again. Tier 21 forces most people out of the legendary wrists, which is a big hit already to serenity. Furthermore, previous tiers (tier 19 and tier 20) gave us more...
by Juko | Nov 28, 2017 | General, Windwalker
Not too long ago, the developer and owner of made an announcement that he would stop development on the site and disable the analysis at a later date. I suggest you read this if you want to know more : Because of...