Battle for Azeroth Windwalker Wishlist: Stats

With the new expansion, Battle for Azeroth, was finally announced, I wanted to take some time to make a wishlist for positive changes that could be made, or in some situations leaving something alone, to improve some of the problems that Windwalkers have faced in the...
Stat Weights and You: Round 2

Stat Weights and You: Round 2

Recently we’ve been getting many questions, in Discord, about stat weights and the results that people are seeing from SimulationCraft. This is something that we largely predicted, looking at how stat weights work in general and how stat scaling works in Legion....

Simulationcraft and Windwalkers – A little extra

Extending from last time After my last post, some people have been reaching out to me on discord with questions, and i realized there were a few more things to explain, so here’s a follow-up with some extra things. Using Vial and Specter together I got some...

Shedding (Nether)Light on the Nether Crucible

In Patch 7.3, Blizzard is introducing a new tool to the, seemingly ever increasing, complexity of things to do that is; Legion. It is a relatively confusing new tool that has required several Q&A responses from Blizzard to try and clarify things, and its still not...
Stat Weights and You: Round 2

Windwalker Scaling

The past two weeks or so, following the AMA, I decided to devote some time to figuring out the reasoning for why Windwalkers have historically not gained as much damage relative to other specs as a tier continues. If you missed the happenings of the AMA, you can...
Understanding Windwalker Priorities

Understanding Windwalker Priorities

Windwalkers, and many specs operate on a priority system, rather than a strict rotation. However, setting up a priority isn’t often a simple matter. There are many kind of priorities depending on what you’re prioritizing.  Many specs follow these...

Lament of the Windwalker: AOE vs ST

So, as Talby touched on in his article, Windwalkers have very strong AOE capability, if given the opportunity to set some stuff up. However, we give up a lot of our single target damage in the process. Today, I’ll be exploring the current problem Windwalker...

Lament of the Windwalker: The Incident

Continuing my series on the hardships that Windwalker’s have experienced… Anyone who was playing Windwalker this past year remembers the elation that was getting a response from Blizzard about the Storm, Earth, and Fire situation. Well a few years ago,...