In Record Time

In Record Time

Well, with less than 24 hours after the previous article was posted, Blizzard nerfed the SR trait by roughly 35%-40%. While this may go down as one of the fastest reactions in Blizzard’s history, I can’t say it wasn’t warranted based on the numbers...
In Record Time

Advanced: Swift Roundhouse

Yes. Its a yurt… its a round house… get it? So recently now that the dust has started to settle on Azerite traits, people are able to start looking for potential ways to get the most out of them. The one that has popped up after some testing and...
Extended and Alternate Storm, Earth, and Fire Openers

Extended and Alternate Storm, Earth, and Fire Openers

Welcome to opener hell. This article is here to serve as a public scratchpad for all of my Storm, Earth, and Fire opener testing, with which I had help from Slappa, Wizard Dog, Eliro, and Neeb. It features longer planned out versions of each opener found in the main...

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Last night Blizzard announced some class changes, one of which affects Windwalkers: Blackout Kick damage reduced by 27%. If you’ve been keeping up with the recent articles I’ve written, then you’ve seen me be quite passionate about some of the issues...
The Good Karma Problem

The Good Karma Problem

Introduction Disclaimer: This post is a bit of a rant Good Karma is a new talent introduced in Battle for Azeroth that increases the amount of damage that your Touch of Karma can absorb and redirect by 50% for a total of 100% your max health. Now that we have...
Playing Windwalker the “Right” Way

Playing Windwalker the “Right” Way

IntroductionSo the topic that is top of all the discussions right now is how awful the “optimal” playstyle plays right now. Rather than recite the playstyle, or why it feels terrible, again, make sure to check out the PvE Guide or Wednesday’s...
Legion WW Gets its Ass (Blackout) KICKED!

Legion WW Gets its Ass (Blackout) KICKED!

So if you’ve been paying attention for the past many months, you may have seen many references to problems with Windwalkers. Surprisingly, many of these problems can be traced to one source… Blackout Kick. Yes, Blackout Kick, the ability that seemed...

Windwalker Guide to Pre-Patch Changes

With the Prepatch going live tomorrow, I wanted to list all the changes that are happening for Windwalkers. All of the guides have been updated to match the changes, this is simply to outline all those changes so that you don’t have to worry about missing...

Windwalker Beta: Build 26936

We got another round of chances today. I have updated the Feedback post on the forums. There have been a few since the last post, but none that were very meaningful: Fists of Fury requires 1H weapons still Chi Burst  had its maximum Chi capped at 2. Today’s...

State of BfA Windwalkers – Talents

Well, now we’ve come to the moment you’ve all been waiting for, and I’ve been dreading; Talents. This is an area that Windwalkers have seen a decent amount of changes in. I will do my best to explain each tier, what is best, and why. Because I am a...