The new raid, Sanctum of Domination, released this week and—true to form—brought with it Heroic Week Tuning™. This week on the show, our hosts emallson and Anomoly cover the changes to Covenant Legendaries, upcoming changes to the Shard of Domination system, and numerous hotfixes (including an unfortunate change to Bonedust Brew). And, of course, we would be remiss if we did not discuss the cinematic with resident lore export Anom.
This week’s show is also available on YouTube (after some technical difficulties). You can catch the show live at 1:30pm Eastern Time on Sundays over at https://twitch.tv/emallson.
00:00 Introduction
00:58 MDI: Shadowlands Season 2
05:16 Catalogued Research & Soul Cinders Hotfixes
09:24 Tazavesh Hard Mode Clarifications
13:22 Bonedust Brew Hot”fix”
18:56 Covenant Legendary Tuning
27:46 Shard of Domination Update / Tuning
35:28 Sanctum of Domination Heroic! Thoughts?
47:30 Lore Corner: SoD Sylvanas Cinematic
1:07:58 Questions & Answers
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/