RSS Feed
- Introduction
- Mistweaver so far in 8.0
- Mistweaver in MDI
- Why were they picked/not picked
- Mistweaver in Arena Tourney
- Why were they picked/not picked
- Mistweaver in 8.1
- Major changes?
- Outlook?
- Change you’d like to see?
Audio balance between you guys is a bit all over the place. 🙁
Yeah, it’s hard to do it well with discord, still very much learning
Same comment with the sound. Maybe do a testing mic check to see how everyone is recording and sounding. Not sure what you’re using to record. You may need to turn up your sound capture for either your desktop or headset.
I believe I’ve done that for the more recent two podcasts
Shame we couldnt hear everyone it sounded like a lot of g8 information.