RSS Feed
Hopefully the sound is better this time around.
- Introduction
- WW so far in 8.0
- WW in MDI
- Why were they picked/not picked
- WW in Arena Tourney
- Why were they picked/not picked
- WW in 8.1
- Major changes?
- Outlook?
- Change you’d like to see?
- Other
Just to give some Insight into WW woes in PVP the single most prevalent reason why WWs are considered bad or not seen as often is because we lost almost all of our setup coming into BFA, paralysis CD increased and leg sweep CD increased ALONG with losing the honor talent that made fist of fury stun targets pretty much gutted out setup and that was what almost all WW PVP comps were based around was setup and burst. A not so big factor was our self healing, we lost a lot of self healing when we lost artifacts, no karma heal, no port heal, and losing healing elixir hurt a lot as well. The new honor talents are decent but wont bring WW back to where they were in Legion, when it was said that we feel like just a worse version of Legion I feel that is more true in PVP than any other aspect of the game atm. DH took our spot in PVP with setup, utility, healing etc etc etc, basically a DH is just a vastly superior WW so all the teams chose to have one of those instead.
You might consider trying to get venruki to join the next podcast to cover PvP as a lot of WWs are still pissed about the state of PvP and he might assuage or affirm that feeling.
I’ve tried reaching out to him in the past, but gotten nothing back, maybe I’ll try again.