Season 4 of Shadowlands releases in just under a month! In order to squeeze as many guilds into CE as possible, Blizzard has announced yet more MASSIVE NERFS to Sepulcher of the First Ones. This week on the podcast, our hosts Anomoly and emallson cover the implications of the nerf for progression and for Season 4, as well as other upcoming economy changes in Patch 9.2.7.
This show is also available on YouTube and is streamed live every week at 1:30pm EDT over at https://twitch.tv/emallson
00:00 The Jailer is Dead!
08:07 Shadowlands: Season 4 — August 2nd/3rd/4th
11:40 Dragonflight: Priest Talent Preview
15:34 Wrath Classic: Naxx is Getting BUFFED
18:11 Blizzard Acquiring Proletariat Inc, Developer of Spellbreak
21:22 Halondrus Hotfix Breakdown, PTR Tuning
29:10 Dragonflight Pre-Orders and Another 10.0 Patch on CDN
42:06 Patch 9.2.7: Region-Wide Auctions for Commodities
50:48 Patch 9.2.7: Separate “Trade Services” Channel for Sales—Only Professions in /2
54:35 Yet Yet More More Massive Massive Nerfs Nerfs
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/