This week on the show, our hosts celebrate their Sylvanas kills by talking about things that have nothing to do with Sylvanas! We’ve got tweets from Wyatt Cheng on the design of Diablo 3 (spoiler: they didn’t tune the drop rates around the Auction House), comments from Magdalena (from Acherus) on the itemization design in WoW, as well as a spreadsheet from Scripe going over how he’d “fix” WoW. Oh, also they buffed Venthyr Mistweavers. Fun times.
This show is also available on YouTube and is streamed live every week at 1:30pm EDT over at https://twitch.tv/emallson
00:00 Introduction & Progression Recap
11:01 9.1.5 PTR Recap: Korthia & Mechagon Improvements
17:20 Venthyr Mistweaver BUFF!
22:58 Mythic+ “Gladiator” Title & Legion Timewalking Updates
28:09 Future (Future) WarcraftLogs feature: Log Scripts
32:41 Classic Season of Mastery Quest XP Buff
35:23 Affixes Announced for MDI Finals
36:52 Wyatt Cheng: D3 was not “designed around the AH”—but it wasn’t tested
54:15 Magdalena: WoW Stat Changes & Itemization Problems
01:10:29 The Scripe Spreadsheet, or “How Scripe Would Fix WoW”
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/