PeakCraft Ep. 18: Nazjatar & Mechagon
PeakCraft Podcast PeakCraft Ep. 18: Nazjatar & Mechagon Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 10 seconds 00:00 / 1:39:45 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Duration:...PeakCraft Ep. 17: Threat
PeakCraft Podcast PeakCraft Ep. 17: Threat Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 10 seconds 00:00 / 1:46:36 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:46:36Host: emallson...PeakCraft Ep. 16: Mythic+ Affixes
Sniffle, Paoanii, and Shrike join guest-host emallson to talk about Mythic+ Affixes, including the new one coming in Patch 8.2: Beguiling.
PeakCraft Ep. 15: No Quotey, You Can’t
Quotey, Paoanii, and Shrike join guest-host emallson to talk about the new stuff on the 8.2 PTR and the new Crucible of Storm mini-raid.
PeakCraft Ep 14: Battle of Dazaralor
Emallson, Quotey, Paoanii, Shrike, and Living join Babylonius to talk about the new Battle of Dazaralor raid and how its been for Monks.
PeakCraft Ep 13: Back with BiS and Brew
Babylonius and guests talk about why Best-In-Slot lists haven’t been a real thing for a few years and somehow find our way to talk about Brewmasters, their Mastery, and melee attacks.
PeakCraft Ep 12: Kul Tiras Dungeons
Babylonius is joined by Kuya, Paoanii, Sinzhu, and Fatalbones to finish up talking about dungeons with those on the Kul Tiras islands.
PeakCraft Ep 11: Zandalar Dungeons
Dhaubbs, Emallson, and Kuya join Babylonius to discuss the five dungeons on the Zandalar island.
PeakCraft Ep 10: Monks in Uldir
Paoanii, Emallson, Harl, and Anomoly discuss Uldir and what it was like as a Monk in the first raid tier of Battle for Azeroth.