by Garg | Jul 14, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
This week’s beta build came later in the week, but early in the morning, so apologies on the lateness of this post. That said, these changes aren’t necessarily doom and gloom for the spec. Changes This Build Mistweaver Monk core passive removed the 20%...
by Garg | Jun 19, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
This week’s build brought some slight retuning of abilities. Changes This Build Renewing Mist healing reduced from 175% Spell power over its duration to 140% Spell power. Renewing Mist mana cast reduced from 3.0% mana per cast to 2.8% mana per cast. Soothing...
by Garg | Jun 12, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
Another week, another build. Changes This Build Vivify single target healing increased from 105% Spell power to 120% Spell power. Vivify healing on Renewing Mist targets increased from 70% Spell power to 80% Spell power. Uplifting Trance removed. Renewing Mist...
by Garg | May 31, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
This is the build I have been waiting for for a long time. Changes This Build Vivify baseline heal increased from 100% Spell power to 105% Spell power. Vivify heal on Renewing Mist targets increased from 60% Spell power to 70% Spell power. Uplifting Trance...
by Garg | May 8, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
Okay. A lot happened this build, mainly centered around talent reshuffling, major Thunder Focus Tea changes, and some spell balancing, as well detailing some of the emerging raid healing builds from testing. Changes This Build Revival buffed from 180% Spell power per...
by Garg | Apr 30, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
Today’s Battle for Azeroth build is a little weird. Initially, the 26522 build was pushed, but, due to memory errors, no one was able to log on. Blizzard reverted this build to 26491, but datamining was already underway. Let’s get right to it. New This...
by Garg | Apr 20, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
Following up on last Friday’s build, more Mistweaver changes are here, including a slew of talent changes, as well as some base spell number tweaking. Let’s go! Until databases are updated, the links to spells will display the previous build’s tooltips....
by Garg | Apr 13, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
A new alpha build for Battle for Azeroth is upon us, bringing castable Soothing Mist back, the removal of Effuse, and a big change to Vivify. Let’s dig right in! Until databases are updated, the links to spells will display the previous build’s tooltips....
by Babylonius | Mar 23, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
There has been another build on the Alpha, and this one came with another small change for Windwalkers; Touch of Death Use ancient Pandaren knowledge of anatomy to Inflict mortal damage on an enemy, After 8 sec, the target will causing the target to take damage...
by Babylonius | Mar 18, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Its been a few weeks since the last time I felt the need to write an article about whats been going on on the Alpha. That’s largely because there just hasn’t been very much going on, really just small changes spread out between a few builds. Now that its...