Catching up on Alpha: Builds 26095 and 26231

Its been a few weeks since the last time I felt the need to write an article about whats been going on on the Alpha. That’s largely because there just hasn’t been very much going on, really just small changes spread out between a few builds. Now that its...

Battle for Azeroth 26010 Updates and Class Changes

Got a new Alpha build this evening with some changes, generally just DPS decreases to many classes; Windwalker included. Click here to see all changes Specialization (7)  Afterlife   When you kill an enemy, you summon a Healing Sphere, healing you for (252%196.56% of...

Ep 6 – Haste Hate and Semantics

Walking the Wind Ep 6 - Haste Hate and Semantics Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 46:38 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 46:38The first live...
PTR: 7.1.5 Notes (Nov 29)

PTR: 7.1.5 Notes (Nov 29)

Since there are always questions about this, I’ll do a quick post about the changes. Obviously, this may or may not be the extent of the changes Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred The amount of damage that Touch of Karma can redirect is increased by 150% of your...