Mistweaver Changes: Battle for Azeroth Beta Build 26567

Okay. A lot happened this build, mainly centered around talent reshuffling, major Thunder Focus Tea changes, and some spell balancing, as well detailing some of the emerging raid healing builds from testing. Changes This Build Revival buffed from 180% Spell power per...

OMG 8.0.1!! Build 25902

Well, it has finally happened. The first changes seem to have been pushed. Be aware that this is technically just for the pre-patch, not necessarily the next expansion. Some of these are even consistent, or close to, what I included in my articles for my BfA Wishlist...

Battle for Azeroth Windwalker Wishlist: Talents

Part 1: Stats     |     Part 2: Abilities     |     Part 3: Talents     |     Part 4: Artifacts and Miscellaneous Class Development Post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20759151255#1 Part 3: Talents Tier 1: Damage/Healing This tier is one of the talent...