I’ll be covering some strategy for the Windwalker Artifact Challenge appearance. The artifact appearance is a reward from completing Feltotem’s Fall, a solo scenario that requires the Mage Tower building to be active on the Broken Shore.
- Notxes – https://www.twitch.tv/videos/133132233
- Pandanaconda – https://www.twitch.tv/videos/134835073
- I forgot to record my kill, didnt expect to one shot it on the 2nd day.
First you will need to collect a good amount of Nethershards. Each attempt, after the first, at this challenge requires 100
Nethershard, and its going to take you a few tries. You can certainly finish the scenario without all these preparations, but it will make it easier. Be prepared for it to take a few attempts, regardless of gear and preparation, you need to execute this encounter nearly flawlessly. Don’t get discouraged.
Its recommended to have an item level of around 890. Lower item levels will make the fight last much longer and more difficult to consistently perform the movement and interrupts. Having an item level above 900, the T19 set bonuses, strong trinkets, and an artifact above 36 traits will make it noticeably easier.
While you can complete this fight without legendaries, several can make it much easier.
Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus – the frequent health bubbles can make up for any mistakes and help you survive more easily.
Sephuz’s Secret – This fight involves nearly constant stunning and interrupting, making this legendary proc very often.
If you don’t have either of these, just use the best legendaries you have available.
Nothing surprising:
Drums of Fury
Flask of the Seventh Demon
Lavish Suramar Feast or
Nightborne Delicacy Platter
Ancient Healing Potion
Potion of Prolonged Power
Nothing special, standard single target build. Choosing between Serenity and
Whirling Dragon Punch can largely be left up to personal preference.
Serenity will provide more single target damage, but a little more difficulty with the adds, and
Whirling Dragon Punch will make the adds easier, at the cost of slightly less single target damage.
Healing Elixir should be the default choice, although
Diffuse Magic can be used to survive some mechanics.
Challenge Guide
This scenario consists of killing two targets, Tugar Bloodtotem and Jormog the Behemoth. The best strategy is to kill Tugar Bloodtotem first, as Jormog the Behemoth is much easier to deal with solo. Once one is dead, the other will deal 150% increased damage. The fight should last around 8 minutes depending on your gear. You’ll need to avoid most or all avoidable damage, keep yourself alive, and not miss any interrupts.
Boss Abilities
Fel Burst – This is cast roughly every 12-15s and needs to be interrupted every time. You can use
Spear Hand Strike, or
Leg Sweep.
Earthquake – Tugar casts this and it drops rocks in three spots around the area. Jormog the Behemoth will tunnel under the ground and do laps around the room, occasionally surfacing. When he surfaces, he will then charge at you. You want Jormog the Behemoth to charge into as many of the rocks that fell during
Earthquake as you can, the will increase the damage that he takes when you eventually switch to him. DO NOT GET HIT BY THE CHARGE.
Earthquake, eggs will spawn around the room. After a short channel, small dragons will spawn and cast damage spells at you. This will rarely be fatal, but are easy to kill quickly, specially if you’re using
Whirling Dragon Punch.
Fel Shock – This cannot be avoided, but is easily healed through with
Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus and
Touch of Karma.
Jormog the Behemoth can be pretty nearly ignored while you focus on Tugar Bloodtotem as he will remain stationary on the edge of the area. When he tunnels, you need to avoid getting hit as you will be stunned in addition to taking damage.
Fel Hardened Scales – Starting the fight with 9 stacks, Jormog takes a total of 90% reduced damage. He loses a stack when he charges through the rocks that are dropped on the ground during
Sonic Scream – This is cast periodically when Jormog is stationary on the side of the platform. It does noticeable, but non-lethal damage when Tugar Bloodtotem is still alive. Once Tugar Bloodtotem dies, Jormog gains 150% damage, which makes this spell very dangerous. This is where
Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus is a HUGE benefit. This can be interrupted through
Paralysis and
Leg Sweep.
Fel-Infused Saliva – This will only be lethal if paired with other potentially lethal abilities.
Phase 1: Tugar
- You want to start this fight with a pre-pot and any other consumables. You can pull Tugar into the center of the room so that there is limited movement during the other portions of the fight.
- Interrupt every
Fel Burst. You can interrupt every one by alternating
Spear Hand Strike, and
Leg Sweep as simply using
Spear Hand Strike cuts the timer very close. This is the biggest key to the fight and you will need to continue to stop this cast while performing all other mechanics.
- Minimize damage during
Earthquake by avoiding getting hit by the rocks falling from the ceiling.
- Cleave and burst down eggs and when they spawn.
- Avoid getting hit by Jormog while he tunnels and charges and do what you can to guide him into the rocks that dropped on the floor so he loses stacks of
Fel Hardened Scales
- Fel Surge Totem will spawn throughout the fight. They must be killed immediately as they will stun you for 5s which likely results in a wipe.
Phase 2: Jormog
- After Tugar is killed, Jormog gains 150% increased damage and will not tunnel under the ground anymore, nor will add spawn. This is a simple tank and spank DPS race, so every stack of
Fel Hardened Scales that you were able to remove in Phase 1, will make this phase easier and faster.
- You will want to be sure to have as many cooldowns and second potion for this phase as you need to kill him as quickly as possible.
- You can interrupt nearly all casts of
Sonic Scream using both
Leg Sweep and
- Rinse and repeat until one of you die.
Kill everything. Interrupt or stun everything. Keep yourself alive.
With practice and gear, this scenario is very doable, typically considered one of the easiest appearance scenarios. After a dozen or so attempts the previous night (after raid so I was struggling to attend to all the interrupts), I was able to one-shot it on the second day with an item level of 912 and both recommended legendaries, although an item level that high is certainly not required, the legendaries were the biggest boon in making the scenario easy.
I hope this was helpful and you get to enjoy the only artifact appearance that justified me not hiding my fist weapons, no matter how temporary.
Also, remember to pick up heath orbs from the totems and baby worms/eggs! They heal a noticable amount.
You can use talent “Eye of the Tiger” (Tier 1) to survive when Tugar is dead in P2 :
You can also add some useful macro :
For anticasting Sonic scream
/target Jormog the Behemoth
/cast Paralysis
For anticasting Fel Burst
/target Tugar Bloodtotem
/cast Spear Hand Strike
For focusing the totem
/target Fel Surge Totem
/cast Crackling Jade Lightning
DBM, Bigwigs or poweraura is your friend. Specially in order to warn you when the totem or felburst is cast.
Last thing, abuse of Transcendence to heal you.
Just so you don’t die from something as stupid as this.. Make sure you are pretty damn close to the edge for the worm. As if you can miss your leg sweep on him if you aren’t close enough.
Awesome guide, and thanks for the video links they really helped.
The crucial turning point for me was putting paralysis on a focus macro for the first guy. I found I kept dying when positioning for the charge then going for the totem only to have the boss start casting as soon as I roll away
Ty for the guide ! http://i.imgur.com/f1iPRDz.jpg
In lieu of making another guide (they’re everywhere already), I thought I’d share some tips that I felt would help some people that aren’t necessarily in the guides you can find (including this one). I’ve completed this scenario on two windwalkers, one at 896 ilevel with Drinking Horn Cover and Kil’jaeden’s Burning Wish, and one at 895 ilevel with Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus and Sephuz’s Secret. My DPS on successful attempts were 440k and 535k respectively (Sephuz and 4-piece T19 make a huge difference, as well as having to do a lot more picking up healing spheres and using globals on Transcendence/Transfer on the former).
Worldcrusher-AltarofStorms – http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/altar-of-storms/Worldcrusher/simple (896 at time of success)
Kajiurate-EarthenRing – http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/earthen-ring/Kajiurate/simple
1. Don’t panic. Every mechanic gives you plenty of time to react, and unless you’re sub-890, none of the mechanics are fatal except for Fel Burst. You can even get hit with a stalactite during Earthquake and be fine in most cases (though if you follow these tips, you shouldn’t ever be in that position).
2. If you’re struggling with incoming damage, make sure you’re using Paralysis on each Sonic Scream from Jormog (make a focus macro if the target switch is difficult).
3. Interrupt Fel Burst early in the cast as much as possible. This should virtually eliminate the need to utilize Leg Sweep/Paralysis on anything except for Sonic Scream in P2. In 50 attempts on my alliance monk, I never had to use anything but Spear Hand Strike on Fel Burst (there were a couple of times where I was mashing it because it came off CD mid-cast though).
4. Don’t listen to the part of the guides that say to try to direct his charge into the stalactites. If you’re killing eggs/worms while he’s charging (you should be), the stacks will be gone naturally by the time you get to P2, since he’ll be charging at you while you’re within/near the stalactites. You have enough mechanics to worry about without stressing about his scales stacks. Not speaking poorly of the guide (it’s awesome); just saying that worrying about dropping his stacks will just make it more stressful for no reason.
5. If you’re having trouble with the totem (feeling like you can’t position yourself to kill it without risking missing an interrupt), bind Crackling Jade Lightning and use that on the totem. One tick will kill it. That being said, the totem has a decently long cast time (I believe it’s 4 or 5 seconds), and Fel Burst does line up with it pretty often, so if the totem pops and your interrupt is off CD or nearly off CD, plan to stop Fel Burst first. It is not an automatic wipe to get hit with the totem, but it is almost always an automatic wipe if you get hit with Fel Burst (it crits for 6 million so even a 915 player can get 1-shot through Karma/Prydaz).
6. If you’re having trouble keeping health up at lower gear levels, utilize each of the following: Transcendence/Transfer (same spot so you’re not fretting about where you left your spirit) on CD for a free 20% health heal over 6 seconds; Healing Spheres – these will spawn on totem and worm kills, but NOT on egg kills. Worms spawn with the remaining health of the egg, so if you need healing, get the eggs low and let them hatch, then kill the worms. Their damage is insignificant; Chi Wave/Eye of the Tiger; and finally, Touch of Karma (for healing purposes, best used right before eating a Sonic Scream).
7. This guide mentions it, but it cannot be overstated how much easier Prydaz and Sephuz make this encounter. It took me two attempts to down this scenario on my horde monk (first attempt I accidentally rolled off the cliff while fighting the worm in P2) and it was completely stress free. I did about 100k more DPS than my alliance monk at almost an identical ilevel due to constant Sephuz proc’ing (and 2/4-piece T19), and the incoming damage was laughable. Prydaz was responsible for 67% of my “healing” on my successful attempt.
8. Finally, you can remove some mechanic-avoiding stress by fighting Tugar toward the opposite end of the cave from where you come in. This will ensure that you’re a distance away from Jormog when he starts charging, will put you in a good position to both kill totems and paralyze Jormog for Sonic Screams, and will also ensure that you are not going to get hit by stalactites (they spawn in the same place every time). When Earthquake is cast, let the stalactites fall, move in, kill the worms, then reposition back where you started. The movement requirement is minimal when Earthquake isn’t going on. When it is, constant movement is your friend and you can avoid most charges without even paying attention as long as you don’t stop moving (and even if you do get hit with a charge, it’s not even close to fatal and doesn’t stun long enough to cause you to be hit with anything else barring horrible luck).
P2 tips
1. If you get Tugar down, you essentially can’t lose barring you choking on easy mechanics. Jormog does 150% increased damage after Tugar dies, but the vast majority of his damage (Sonic Scream) can be avoided.
2. The first thing you want to do when Tugar dies (assuming you’re not mid-Earthquake, since Jormog will still go through the motions of charging until it’s over) is find a position close to Jormog and use Fists of Fury. It’s imperative that you make sure that you’re getting contact on Fists hits. Once you’re in a position where you’re making contact, plant yourself there for the rest of the fight. This will ensure your DPS is intact and that your Leg Sweep will hit him. The best spot I found was pretty much right at the edge of the cliff and slightly left of center on him, but any spot where FoF is hitting is fine.
3. Remember that Jormog (and Tugar, if you used it on him) takes CC with PvP restrictions (i.e. the first cast is only 5 seconds, then 3, then 1.5, then immune until the 18 second reset to DR). Other than Sonic Scream, he does have a Fel-Infused Saliva cast (essentially his auto attack) that will do significant (but not overwhelming) damage. Once you’ve followed step 2, use Transcendence/Transfer on CD to outheal this; it should be more than enough even at lower gear levels.
4. With the PvP restrictions in mind, your “interrupt” rotation during P2 should be Paralysis, Paralysis, Paralysis, Leg Sweep (and repeat). If you find yourself getting behind on healing (you shouldn’t if you’re using Transcendence/Transfer), or you want some extra damage, you can throw in a Touch of Karma and eat one of the Screams. If you do use Touch of Karma, you can restart the interrupt rotation since Paralysis will have had time to reset its DR.
I hope these tips helped, and I hope it’s not inappropriate to share these tips here on this guide. If it is, please feel free to delete my post.
Since I didn’t have Prydaz, I found an advantage changing some equip against items with leech, although of lower item level and / or not having good stats. Got so to around 7% leech, which made self healing pretty trivial.
Try not to kill Tugar if the earthquake-worms are still living. The eggs despawn when Tugar dies, but the worms don’t.
I would rather worry about just worms rather than Tugar and worms myself, especially since you’re going to be able to actually CC Jormog (vs just using the CC to interrupt him) while you’re finishing off the worms in this situation. With Tugar up, you’re worrying about worms, spikes, fel burst, fel shock, and totems potentially as well. If he’s dead, all you have to worry about is paralysis on Jormog and finishing off the worms. That’s just my opinion though.
guide was awsome, just did him in the 4th try with ilvl 904. Needed the first 3 tries to get into the interupting and making sure i was spotting the totems. tnx!!!!!!
This guide is awesome for someone of my lag… South Africa is a bit far away from the servers to get the best.
Great thank you to you all for this amazing guide!!
I’m at 930ish when I went through and the only thing I really did properly was interupt. I go the totem when it was close and just burst the boss down before my cooldowns came back up. I think I used a flask and thats it. Save second storm dor eggs and as long as he doesnt get his fel cast off you should be ok. I used the chest legendary with the ring from killing argus. I didnt even change from my raid talents.