This guide assumes that you have a knowledge of the mechanics of both bosses and trash in the dungeon and will take a more monk focused approach. For more information on the mechanics of all the different mobs and bosses in the dungeon check out the guide over at Wowhead.
The recommended talents for Lower Karazhan are:
–Chi Wave
–Tiger’s Lust / Chi Torpedo
–Energizing Elixir
–Leg Sweep
–Dampen Harm
–Hit Combo
–Whirling Dragon Punch.
The damage talents selected are taken due to being the current best setup in all scenarios, there is no real deviation in talents for aoe/st.
Tiger’s Lust can’t be used for any dispels in Lower Karazhan, however a number of small corridors make Chi Torpedo somewhat annoying and hard to use, although it does come down to personal preference
A strong mix of damage throughout the dungeon means that Dampen Harm is the best choice.
Boss Tips
- Opera Event: Wikkit
- Opera Event: Westfall Story
- Opera Event: Beautiful Beast
- Moroes
- Maiden of Virtue
- Attumen the Huntsman
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-You can use Transcendence to get back to the ground quickly after dodging Magic Magnificent.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Make sure you have some damage ready to burst down the adds on the Murloc side, the Bubble Blast that they cast can be extremely dangerous on higher keys as it can easily combo with Wash Away by knocking you into it.
-When the two main bosses are active it can become quite hectic and there won’t be much room to maneuver, try to use Tiger’s Lust to aid your movement as rolling into deadly mechanics can be quite easy here.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-You have to make sure that your clones are focused on the target your group intends to focus first, dealing damage to the other 2 adds as WW is completely useless.
-Delaying FoF 8s for Kara Kazham! can be very useful as the summoned forks can end up doing a lot of damage if Dinner Bell! goes through.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-There isn’t much related to WW specifically here, just push damage on the priority targets if you’re going for a CC and focus one strat. If you plan to let all 4 come down then you can play with Drinking Horn Cover and keep your clones unfocused for SCK stacks.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-There isn’t anything really specific here other than using Roll and Flying Serpent Kick well to handle Sacred Ground.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-It’s possible to solo the Shared Suffering mechanic as WW. You have to place a Transcendence spirit in the middle of the room then as the boss casts the ability you Provoke him and run out, when his cast is nearly finished you Transcendence: Transfer away and dodge it at the last second.
Trash Tips
Notable packs to be ready to stun:
-Packs of philanthropists at the start should be stunned to stop Pennies from Heaven casts.
-Ghostly Understudies will do a very deadly cast in an area around them, stunning them can you get some free damage in.
-Making sure you have Leg Sweep available from the packs below the stage is very important, if too many Firelands Portal casts go off you will definitely wipe and the run back takes a very long time.
-There are many big pulls between the Opera Event and Maiden of Vigilance, all with many different casts to stop. Setting up a rotation for stuns with you group will be very helpful here so that you don’t waste Leg Sweep.
-In the Attumen room the large packs of Spectral Apprentices and Spectral Chargers, stunning the Chargers to help lock them down during charge casts or picking up any Trampling Stomp casts you may miss can be impactful.
Important casts to look out for and prioritize kicks on:
–Terrifying Wail
–Firelands Portal
–Poetry Slam
–Shadow Rejuvenation
–Oath of Fealty
–Shackles of Servitude
–Shadow Bolt Volley
–Empowered Arms > Mana Drain > Healing Stream (Order for Moroes boss fight)
–Trampling Stomp
There isn’t much specific to use Paralysis for so try and pick up any interrupts when your Spear Hands Strike is on cooldown.