Windwalker Buffs! Take: 2
What is Happening Back on December 5th (last week), Windwalker saw a nice tidy 6% to our Windwalker Monk tuning Aura. This translated into, roughly, a 4-5% increase in Windwalker’s in simulations. Looking at comparing the data between last week and the previous...
Windwalker Monk 10.2 Survival Guide
As always, things on this page are subject to updates as we discover new things or things change. Class Changes Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 10%. Fists of Fury damage increased by 5% and additional damage to primary target increased by 10%. Whirling...
What Stats Should I Use? (A Zen Meditation)
For a very long time, Crit/Vers has been the de facto stat combination for Brewmasters in virtually all content. Mastery has always been a staple for defensive use in Mythic+, but has never overtaken Crit/Vers for damage. Until now. Sort of. In some cases. Ugh. The...
Windwalker Monk 10.1.5 Survival Guide
Class Changes All ability damage increased by 3%. (Not part of 10.1.5, this was a hotfix from June 26) All ability damage increased by 2%. Other Changes All Onyx Annulet Primordial Stones that deal damage now deal 40% less damage. Seal of Diurna’s Chosen effect...
Windwalker Monk 10.1 Survival Guide
As always, things on this page are subject to updates as we discover new things or things change. Class Changes Tiger Palm damage increased by 15% Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 15% Blackout Kick damage increased by 8% These mean we do more ST damage,...
Windwalker Monk 10.0.7 Survival Guide
Here’s what you need to know for playing a Windwalker in 10.0.7: Class Updates Changes You can now play as a Lightforged Draenei, Worgen, or Goblin Monk. Inner Peace’s maximum Energy Bonus increased to 30 (was 10). Inner Peace now also increases Tiger...
Scientifically Methodizing Windwalker’s DPS Struggles
This may come as a surprise to some, but not a surprise to all, but I am quite unhappy with the state of Windwalkers right now. While this does primarily focus on performance in Raids, and even more specifically Single Target damage, it does extend into M+ and AOE as...
Zen Meditation: Blackout Combo
Learn the ins-and-outs of the Blackout Combo talent for Brewmasters, including its history, why it has become a viable option once again, and how to use it in Dragonflight.