by Babylonius | May 1, 2023 | 10.1, Windwalker
As always, things on this page are subject to updates as we discover new things or things change. Class Changes Tiger Palm damage increased by 15% Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 15% Blackout Kick damage increased by 8% These mean we do more ST damage,...
by Babylonius | Mar 18, 2023 | 10.0.7, Windwalker
Here’s what you need to know for playing a Windwalker in 10.0.7: Class Updates Changes You can now play as a Lightforged Draenei, Worgen, or Goblin Monk. Inner Peace’s maximum Energy Bonus increased to 30 (was 10). Inner Peace now also increases Tiger...
by Babylonius | Mar 11, 2023 | 10.0.7, Windwalker
This may come as a surprise to some, but not a surprise to all, but I am quite unhappy with the state of Windwalkers right now. While this does primarily focus on performance in Raids, and even more specifically Single Target damage, it does extend into M+ and AOE as...
by Babylonius | Oct 31, 2022 | 10.0, Windwalker
Let’s be honest, we all knew it was coming, we just didn’t know then WHEN and the HOW. But now we have it. I’m going to try and break down as much of these changes as I can, some will just not be easily doable, and its already after 9pm when...
by Babylonius | Oct 23, 2022 | 10.0, Windwalker
Rather than update the guide pages, only to remove them for the new expansion, this page will serve as the “guide” for the Dragonflight Prepatch. It will be updated with any new information as we figure it out. Disclaimer The Dragonflight Pre-Patch is as...
by Babylonius | Aug 18, 2022 | 10.0, Windwalker
Today we got the first look at the Monk talent trees for Dragonflight, class and spec specific. Unfortunately, at least for you, I am on vacation with my family, so my ability to get in there and test things out is limited. Thankfully, there isn’t much that...
by J-Funk | Aug 8, 2022 | 10.0, Windwalker
I was inspired by Babylonius’s Talent Tree post and decided to make my own. This is a bit more extensive than his as I have gone through the process of making a base Monk talent tree as I felt this was necessary in order to get a better idea of what would be baseline...
by Babylonius | Jul 23, 2022 | 10.0, Windwalker
A few weeks ago, Wowhead asked me to write an article with my thoughts of what I’d like to see for the Windwalker in the Dragonflight talent tree. I totally didn’t go overboard and write over 3100 words on the topic put together my thoughts on the topic....
by Babylonius | Feb 20, 2022 | 9.2, Windwalker
Disclaimer Everything on this page is subject to change at any point due to theorycrafting, tuning, or us simply missing something or discovering something new that we didn’t know before. React to this information on your own volition. If there is anything that...
by Scurch | Jan 30, 2022 | 9.2, Windwalker
!Warning! This article serves as a window into theorycrafting, if you do not care about boring math stuff feel free to skip it entirely. The conclusions drawn here will be included in the guides found on this website. Introduction Anybody who has played Windwalker...