by J-Funk | Oct 12, 2019 | 8.2, 8.3, Windwalker
The purpose of this article was to try to discover how much of a buff would Serenity need to be viable or even strong in 8.3 Disclaimer: Because the Serenity APL was doing the old Swift Roundhouse rotation of 2x BoK -> RSK I had to swap to Xuen for the purpose of...
by Babylonius | Oct 8, 2019 | 8.3, Windwalker
So the first PTR posting for 8.3 was released today, and it comes with some long awaited buffs. Rising Sun Kick Kick upwards, dealing [(115% 143.8% of Attack power) * ((Attack power + Offhand attack power) * 2 / 3) / Attack power] Physical damage, and reducing the...
by Babylonius | Aug 22, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
This article has been long coming. It was going to get written last week, but with the announced buffs to a few specs, I wanted to wait till we had the full week’s worth of data after the changes. Now that a week has passed, its time to start parsing through the...
by Babylonius | Aug 18, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
With the buffs in 8.3 this playstyle is no longer valid If you’ve been following the events that have transpired the past few days in Discord, then you’re probably aware that we’ve been discussing the pros/cons of dropping Rising Sun Kick from...
by Babylonius | Jul 14, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
Now that 8.2 has had some time to settle in, and people will start to get their Conflict and Strife essences in a few days, its time to take a look at Reverse Harm. In this article I’ll cover how you get it, what it does, how it works, and how/when we should use...
by Babylonius | Jun 23, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
8.2 approaches, and while not a ton is changing for Windwalkers, there are new things being introduced to the game that tweaks things around a little bit. As things are continued to get figured out, this page will be updated to reflect changes. The main Windwalker PvE...
by Babylonius | Jun 22, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
As I finally sit down to look at these essences, I am completely overwhelmed. We currently have no way to simulate them, so I have to resort to napkin math, which I’ll readily admit is not my specialty, but its the best we have for a few days till sims are set...
by Babylonius | Jun 10, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
With 8.2 coming in the next few weeks, and before I sit down to get any changes figured out, I wanted to write my thoughts on the spec in the past present and future. The Present Overall I feel that Windwalkers have moved in a good direction this expansion. There have...
by Babylonius | May 26, 2019 | 8.2, Windwalker
So with 8.2 eventually approaching, we’ve been getting more and more questions about the essences, which will be best and how they’ll work. To that, the general answer is “just wait, there’s plenty of time”. However, since there’s...
by Babylonius | May 19, 2019 | Windwalker
Site Say what you want about the state of the game, but things have been slow for the past few months. There hasn’t been any class changes since March 12th, there are no Monks in Classic, so nothing to talk about there, 8.2 is still more than a month away and is...