by Mickey | Oct 16, 2018 | 8.1, General, Windwalker
This is a supplementary post to the 8.1 Monk Megathread on Reddit. You can follow the discussion there. Windwalker in Battle for Azeroth, while still pretty similar to its Legion incarnation, seems to overall be a step down in class design. While many people are still...
by Talby | Oct 12, 2018 | General, Windwalker
There was a new build on the PTR aimed at Honor Talents which will effect Windwalker PvP & War Mode. Currently these are not showing on the wowhead database but you can log into the PTR to check them out for yourself, in the meantime Mickey has put together an...
by Babylonius | Oct 3, 2018 | 8.1, Windwalker
There was a new build on the PTR today, which added a few things that likely affect Windwalker. Spells (1) Crackling Jade Lightning Channel Jade lightning, causing (27.977%22.4% of Attack power) Nature damage over 4 sec to the target and sometimes knocking back...
by Babylonius | Sep 30, 2018 | Windwalker
Introduction So, around April of 2017, I started a series on some of the big difficulties that Windwalker had faced in our history. While there have certainly been a few tough times since then that I didn’t write a “Lament of the Windwalker” for all...
by Talby | Sep 27, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Written by Fjin and Talby. Thanks to Hina and eMZed for the math support! Shakugan and Reqy for helping with testing (and Tandy for bongo)! As you might have seen, Open Palm Strikes was buffed by 60% in the patch of 25 September. We’ve received many questions about...
by Babylonius | Sep 21, 2018 | 8.1, Windwalker
PTR ChangeBlizzard put out the PTR for 8.1 and today’s build came with a change for Windwalker: Good Karma – 100% of the damage redirected by Touch of Karma can now redirect an additional 50% of your maximum health. also...
by Mickey | Sep 20, 2018 | 8.0, General, Windwalker
As of 11/17/2020, this has finally been fixed after 4 long years. Rest in peace, WDP bug. The rest of this article is no longer applicable. TL;DR: You can get extra damage on Whirling Dragon Punch by using it as Storm, Earth, and Fire expires (around ~0.2 or 0.3...
by Babylonius | Sep 18, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Blizzard recently announced a round of Azerite trait tuning changes that affect Windwalkers, in a big way. General Archive of the Titans: Primary stat bonus increased by 20% Laser Matrix: Damage reduced by 30% Thunderous Blast: Damage reduced by 35% Monk...
by Babylonius | Sep 16, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
BackgroundFor anyone who wasn’t paying attention, on Friday Ion engaged in an AMA on Reddit. Many people were able to submit a question, including me. Because it was, by a landslide, the most frequent complaint or question that we had in Discord, my question was...
by Babylonius | Sep 11, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
IntroductionAfter a raid opens, there is always questions about how a spec is performing compared to other specs, whether it needs buffs or nerfs, whether its strong or not, and more. Unfortunately these questions are regularly met with answers that don’t really...