Mistweaver has been on the rise since the release of Patch 9.1, and this week our hosts emallson and Anomoly sit down with Abelito and Drezington to ask the question: what happened? Why is Mistweaver good now?
This episode aired live on Halloween and I just want to say that that was thematically appropriate.
This show is also available on YouTube and is streamed live every week at 1:30pm EDT over at https://twitch.tv/emallson
00:00 Introducing Abe & Drez!
02:04 Last-Minute 9.1.5 Tuning
07:23 Major Boss Updates in Classic Season of Mastery
11:58 Notorious Studios formed by Former WoW Devs
14:33 WoWAnalyzer Acquired by WarcraftLogs
19:50 The State of Mistweaving in 9.1.5
27:26 Revival & Gust of Mists
31:29 Why is Sinister Teachings so GOOD?!
41:21 Fixing the Mana Problem
47:12 Mistweaver Damage & Other Misc Changes
56:53 9.1.5 Changes for Mistweaver
01:04:49 Dropping Healers for Mistweavers
01:11:46 Is Monk the BEST its Ever Been?
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/